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Saturday, January 31, 2009

Kate Bush, Beth Gibbons, Zooey Deschanel, Betty Carter, and (believe it!) Sade...

I've been listening to How Will You?, the new record from experimental Chicago pianist AZITA. I'm ashamed to say I've never heard of her before, though she's recorded with Bonnie Prince Billy, and has a confident, charismatic performance style reminiscent of Kate Bush. These are bold compositions from an artist with an incredibly controlled vocal range. Her new record comes out on 2/17 on Drag City Records. Listen and weep! AZITA @ Myspace.

Friday, January 30, 2009

Trying things out...

I've resisted the urge to start a blog for a while now. I've been pretty turned off at the whole self-celebrating aspect of personal blogging - it's flashy, and borderline passive-aggressive. There are so many voices clambering away out there without that much to say.

But after seven years as a music writer, I'm still struggling to find steady work. Newspapers and magazines are folding, and jobs in print media and music criticism aren't exactly in high demand.

So, allow me to present to you:

Scrimshaw: A blog about music, and Seattle, and the places where these things intersect in my life.

First up:

I'm going to SXSW for the first time this year. I'm stoked to see any combination of the following: The Sonics, Elvis Perkins, Fol Chen, Tiny Vipers, Amy Annelle, DEVO, WAAVES, St. Vincent, Rafter, Akron/Family, Tom Brosseau, Samantha Crain, Japanese Motors, Grand Archives, Andrew Bird, some other bands, and your mom.

Didn't she tell you she was going?

Though I'm still working my way through the official SXSW showcasing band list, I've come to learn that Rachel Ray will be hosting her second SXSW party this year, and that among others, the Hold Steady is rumored to headline. I don't really know what to say about this, except that Brooklyn Vegan reported the news, and I enjoyed the feedback: Rachel Ray @ SXSW.

PS: This blog's a newborn with lots of growing to do. Just be like sushi and roll with it, please.